
Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Mon Feb 3 11:50:35 CET 2003

Hash: SHA1

Le Monday 03 February 2003 11:44, Lauri Watts a écrit:
> For a KDE app where the documentation will be stored in KDE CVS, we use the
> version of the application in both cases.  That's because we keep the
> documents in CVS, which provides more than enough revision history for the
> document itself, so all that matters for readers is the version of the
> application that it applies to.
> For a third party application, you could either keep records in comments,
> use the revisioninfo elements (I can't promise they will render anything
> sensible, we don't use them) or just make a list in a section if you want.
> If you take that course, I advise, put it at the end somewhere, most
> readers really aren't interested in revisions of the document, and don't
> care much about revisions of the application either, they only want to know
> what the version they have right now can do for them.  That's not to say it
> isn't valuable information for the author, just that the average end-user
> is not interested.

Yup, and the authors have the CVS log anyway.

I'm in favour of keeping the <releaseinfo> of the _application_ and doing the 
rest in the CVS logs.

- -- 
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