
Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Mon Feb 3 09:28:05 CET 2003

Hash: SHA1

Le Sunday 02 February 2003 22:53, Bob Lockie a écrit:
> I had:
> <date>2003-01-01</date>
> <releaseinfo>0.90.80</releaseinfo>
> I changed it to the following because there is a difference between the
> &kapp release and the version of the documentation.
> <date>2003-01-01</date>
> <releaseinfo>0.90.80 of &kapp;</releaseinfo>
> <releaseinfo>0.90.80 of documentation</releaseinfo>

As my scripts don't touch <releaseinfo> anymore, there's no major technical 
drawback for what you've done anymore. You could even use 0.9.8 for the 
release number now.

However, the KDE policy so far has always been :

	<releaseinfo> is the version of the _application_

I personally don't think that we need any markup in special for the release 
information of the _documentation_, as we have the CVS log for that. Of 
course that's only a personal opinion.

In any case, if that policy changes, it needs being clearly stated before. 
Would you mind reverting to the normal state while we discuss that issue ? 
This is because of the translations.

- -- 
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