[kde-doc-english]KControl Documentation

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at olympusproject.org
Wed Sep 4 20:32:50 CEST 2002

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On Wednesday 04 September 2002 05:45, Lauri Watts wrote:
> Just a heads up, the kde-usability list are planning (more) huge
> rearrangements of KControl, ranging from rearranging the categories
> (again), to redesigning many modules (some more).

just so you know that we aren't doing this out of negligence or a lack of care 
for those who do translating or documentation, we are only doing this because 
the current state of the kcontrol after the last set of changes is less than 

> I suggest you don't spend too much time on KControl docs right now, I've
> just subscribed to the usability list again, and will try to get at least
> an idea when they'll be done, and let you know.

i'm going to be starting on implementing the new structures on Friday... if 
all goes well i could be done as early as the following Monday/Tuesday, or as 
late as the next weekend. i'd then give it a week or so while i and whomever 
else joins me in the CVS commiting endures/takes care of the innevitable 
flames, suggestions and bug reports .. that's just a rough timeline, and only 
from my perspective... 

> It might also be helpful for any interested translators to join this list
> (it's high traffic though) to help avoid word puzzles, untranslateable
> things, and any other i18n potential pitfalls.

this would indeed be welcome.

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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