[kde-doc-english]Errors in Quanta-Docs

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Wed Nov 20 09:49:09 CET 2002

> po2xml isn't really a complete parser, it's very basic, and has just this
> one purpose, occasionally things break it.  >tag> is incorrect markup
> (it should be <sgmltag>tag</sgmltag> and let the docbook stylesheets take
> care of generating the brackets.)
> In any case, yes, I (and the author) are aware there are some serious
> problems with the quanta doc, but I didn't realise they were breaking
> po2xml.  It was only moved into the correct place for proper translations a
> few days ago, long after the freeze and any opportunity to fix these things
> had passed.
> Eric, shall I fix them (since without it, it's not going to be
> translateable anyway) or shall we just hold that until the branch, although
> this will mean that nobody can get any translations on it for 3.1 (but they
> will for 3.1.1)?

I think that since it breaks things, it should be fixed now. But the one to 
give his green light is Dirk, of course.

Calling their ennemies "terrorists" was the excuse for
the nazis to do whatever violation of the human rights.

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