[kde-doc-english]kdeaddons documentation for kde-i18n-en_GB

Divakar R divakar_r at vsnl.net
Sun Nov 17 02:01:12 CET 2002

I would appreciate some advice with reference to the following I don't  
fully understand the documentation process that is going on even after 
being on this list for several months now and having looked through the 
i18n.kde.org site.

1. From the 'experimental' translation statistics page at i18n.kde.org, I 
understand that the kdeaddons part of KDE documentation is yet to be 
translated to en-GB. Is somebody (Malcolm Hunter?) already doing this?

2. I have downloaded the 021115 snapshot of kde-i18n-en_GB (~ 4.5 MB) from 
ftp.kde.org at /pub/kde/unstable/snapshots/kde-i18n 
kde-i18n-en_GB-021115.tar.bz2 and seen that it does not contain kdeaddons. 
I have also had a quick look at some of the docbooks from 021115 snapshot 
of kdeaddons at ftp.kde.org (~ 1 MB). Am I correct in assuming that this 
is the doc set that is (close to being?) / (to be?) frozen for 
translation and subsequent release with KDE 3.1? If so, the differences 
from en_GB seem to be almost none / minimal. 

3. Is there a specific guide for translation from English US to en_GB? I 
haven't come across any at the website. Is there more to it than changes 
such as 'characterisation' instead of 'characterization' and date etc. 

4. Are the already translated docs available via CVS? The CVS instructions 
I have seem to get only the standard US English docs.

5. Regarding translation of docbooks, is this done using a text editor in 
docbook format or are there other tools? Is it the role of translator to 
check if the docs are okay after html conversion? If so, where do the 
images for screenshots etc. come from and which is the stylesheet to be 
used? Is it the default docbook-utils.dsl? This would be useful for proof 
reading as well. Also, are there tools for reverse conversion, i.e. html 
-> docbook?

Thanks in advance,

R Divakar
Linux Registered User #275193 (http://counter.li.org)

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