[kde-doc-english]hi all

Eric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Tue Feb 12 12:04:17 CET 2002

Le Lundi 11 Février 2002 12:08, Anders Lund a écrit :
> > So many docs are still untranslated in so many languages that it wouldn't
> > change a lot of things. According to me, you could commit it.
> I am very glad to hear that.
> > But I would urge it gets proofread and the markup fixed before it gets
> > committed.
> I use kate with the xml plugin to write the documentation, which in it self
> makes the markup easy, as that plugin knows the DTD.

Yes, but there are "style" issue for which I think that Lauri wants to keep 
control on. A plugin doesn't know anything about KDE documentation style ;-)

> And I do of cause run it through meinproc, and i spellcheck it, and i get
> comments/suggestions from the kate list once in a while.
> What i would manily
> like was some guide to the usage of the markup, things like examples and
> so. I mainly look in the source of other manuals for that.

There is some http://i18n.kde.org/doc/markup.html.

> > What I do not understand is that we still have a doc for kwrite : is this
> > still relevant ?
> There is another interresting question.
> As things changes in katepart, the kwrite documentation gets - it is -
> outdated.
> Most of kwrite is the katepart editor, so maybe that chapter should be
> shared? Menus are different though, and the configuration dialogs, though
> some of that could be shared too maybe. How do i turn parts of the dosc
> into sharable bits?

Entities allow to share bits. xml2pot seems to have problems with such 
sharing when top-level element of the shared part is not a section or 
chapter, that's all. Members of the kde-i18n-doc team can help you out with 

> If that is posible, maintaining the kwrite manual would be a minor task.

Think about existing translations of kwrite that could be reused for kate. 
Please see next message on this topic.

> Other questions:
> I have been looking for how to link to documentation for standrad dialogs
> like the file dialog, the color picker, the keyboard shortcut editor etc,
> but I haven't found any. Can that really be true?

It's easy, we have an I/O slave for that. Just ask Coolo, he'll explain you.

> I try to add QWhatsThis help in every sensible place in kate - dialogs,
> nonstandard gui elements. This documentation in some cases should be equal
> to the manual. Is there a way to link either way, which would make
> maintaining both easier?

Perharps we could have a single source for that. I CC this message to the 
kde-docbook mailing list who are extraction scripts experts ;-).

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