[kde-doc-english]Pam Pam Pam Pam Pam Pam Pam Pam...

Pam R pamroberts at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Dec 2 19:24:45 CET 2002

I've just been looking at the Konqueror Handbook now that Éric has split it 
into several .docbook files (thanks Éric, that must have been hard work), and 
notice that my name and email now appear 29 times!

Now, as a shy and retiring Brit I find this terribly embarrassing dont' y' 
know, so was wondering if there would be any objection to my removing the 
added entries from the start of each chapter and the new 'Section Authors' 
<sect> (shouldn't that be 'Chapter Authors'?) that has appeared at the end of 
nearly every chapter? In HEAD at least?

After all, looking at the KWord Handbook, which is a prime example of 
splitting a large Handbook written by one author into several .docbook files, 
I find that Mike McBrides's name only appears twice, in the Home page and in 
the Credits & License section. This is how it should be IMHO.
Pam R: <another cute tag line>
Linux StepbyStep: http://www.linux-sxs.org/stepbystep.html

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