[kde-doc-english]New FPI's, New Entities, Other HEAD only changes
Frederik Fouvry
fouvry at CoLi.Uni-SB.DE
Mon Dec 2 15:32:55 CET 2002
,-- Le Mon, 2 Dec, tu m'as écrit le suivant:
| Le Monday 02 December 2002 13:39, Lauri Watts a écrit:
| > So, do I have that all straight?
| It looks so. However, it raises a few questions I would like Frederik to
| answer :
| 1) Where exactly can <personname> be used ? For that to work, it should really
| be able to appear both in : <para>, <otherdedit> and <author>.
These elements contain personname: address, appendixinfo, application, articleinfo, attribution, author, biblioentry, bibliographyinfo, bibliomisc, bibliomixed, bibliomset, biblioset, blockinfo, bookinfo, bridgehead, chapterinfo, citation, citetitle, editor, emphasis, entry, foreignphrase, glossaryinfo, glosssee, glossseealso, glossterm, indexinfo, lineannotation, link, literallayout, lotentry, member, msgaud, objectinfo, olink, othercredit, para, partinfo, phrase, prefaceinfo, primary, primaryie, productname, programlisting, quote, refentryinfo, refentrytitle, referenceinfo, refpurpose, refsect1info, refsect2info, refsect3info, refsectioninfo, refsynopsisdivinfo, remark, screen, screeninfo, secondary, secondaryie, sect1info, sect2info, sect3info, sect4info, sect5info, sectioninfo, see, seealso, seealsoie, seeie, seg, segtitle, setindexinfo, setinfo, sidebarinfo, simpara, subtitle, synopsis, term, tertiary, tertiaryie, title, titleabbrev, tocback, tocentry, tocfront, ulink.
I've added the markup to the template and validated it, so I
should think it is possible.
| 2) Can <email> now be a direct child of <othercredit> and <author>, which was
| not permitted in 4.1.2 ?
(Yes; I've written this before.)
These elements contain email: action, address, application,
attribution, author, bibliomisc, bridgehead, citation, citetitle,
classsynopsisinfo, command, computeroutput, database, editor,
emphasis, entry, filename, foreignphrase, funcparams,
funcsynopsisinfo, function, glosssee, glossseealso, glossterm,
hardware, interfacename, keycap, lineannotation, link, literal,
literallayout, lotentry, member, msgaud, olink, option, optional,
othercredit, para, parameter, phrase, primary, primaryie,
productname, programlisting, property, quote, refdescriptor,
refentrytitle, refname, refpurpose, remark, screen, screeninfo,
secondary, secondaryie, see, seealso, seealsoie, seeie, seg,
segtitle, simpara, subtitle, synopsis, systemitem, term,
tertiary, tertiaryie, title, titleabbrev, tocback, tocentry,
tocfront, trademark, ulink, userinput.
| Or alternatively can it be a child of <personname> ?
| The question behind that is how to avoid the horrendous <affiliation><address>
| construct.
| 3) I don't understand why you want two entities for the person and his/her
| email, as they always appear together.
_Always_? One might do it, but if you just name someone in the
text, I'm not sure you'd always want the address? Or do you
disagree, Eric <e.bischoff at noos.fr>?
| 4) I relly want to enforce the "French system", so the reviewer, author,
| translator, etc, entities should be defined at the same level as the person
| and email entities. Would everyone agree with that ?
I don't know what you precisely mean with "level".
| 5) Would everyone agree with the following scheme (which assumes that <email>
| can be a direct child of <author> and of <othercredit>) :
In principle, yes, but not as it is here. The emailaddress
should be separate.
| <!ENTITY lauriWatts '<personname>
| <firstname>Lauri</firstname><surname>Watts</surname>
| </personname>
| <email>lauri at kde.org</email>' >
| <!ENTITY lauriWatts.author '<author>
| &lauriWatts;
| <!-- dunno if <contrib> can be used here -->
| </author>' >
| <!ENTITY lauriWatts.editor '<othercredit role="translator">
| &lauriWatts;
| <contrib>Editor</contrib>
| </othercredit>' >
| <!ENTITY lauriWatts.translator '<othercredit role="translator">
| &lauriWatts;
| <contrib>Kiwi translation</contrib>
| </othercredit>' >
| <!ENTITY lauriWatts.proofreader '<othercredit role="reviewer">
| &lauriWatts;
| <contrib>Proofreader of Kiwi translation</contrib>
| </othercredit>' >
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