[kde-doc-english]KOffice : Problem with translations of KWord's doc (6 languages)

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Sun Aug 18 10:39:28 CEST 2002

Hi all,

I hope not too much people are on vacation so we can handle the following 

In HEAD branch, the latest commits are:

	release 1.90
	dated 2002/08/07 04:02:05

	release 1.40
	dated 2002/07/25 00:36:23

This means, if I'm not wrong, that the template is older than the DocBook 
file. And as the markup structure changed, update_xml will fail, and the 
translated main file of the documentation for KWord won't be stored in the 

I'm back from vacation so I don't exactly know the exact schedule, but I 
seemed to understand that there's a release of KOffice planned for tomorrow 
Monday, is that right ?

The teams that have worked on this documentation (da, en_GB, es, nl,  sl, xh) 
and that want to fix this can do the following :
	- run xml2pot manually to regenerate the template
	- merge with their own translation
	- translate the fuzzies and untranslated messages that will appear
	  (about a hundred messages)
	- re-run update_xml
(the French translation is already fixed with that method).

I'm hesitating to store an updated template and to merge to every language 
now, because I don't want to introduce even more entropy (Coolo?).

Sorry in advance if I missed any point. If I'm correct, would it be a reason 
to delay the release by a few days ? I find it sad that people spent many 
efforts translating KWord's documentation and that the result is broken.

Éric Bischoff

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