[kde-doc-english]Entity capitalisation fixes

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Fri Apr 19 12:17:21 CEST 2002

On Friday 19 April 2002 11:47, Frederik Fouvry wrote:
> | Also beware because it should remain consistant with things like "About
> | kfax..." in the applications themselves, so it might need a run through
> | the C++ code too.
> Sure (a shame XML general entities cannot be used in C++ ;-).

You know what ? I've proposed some time ago to KBabel's maintainer to 
implement a mechanism of "macros" in kbabel. And nothing prevents from using 
the same syntax in the documentation entities lists and in KBabel ;-).

This would really make easier the unification of many terms...

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