
Lauri Watts lauri at kde.org
Mon Apr 15 23:05:45 CEST 2002

On Sunday 14 April 2002 17:03, kelvin Gardiner wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm interested in writing some documentation and have some questions.
> How can I find out which apps I could document without duplicating anyone
> else's work? Who should I submit my work to?

None of the documents listed as unmaintained have picked up new maintainers 
yet, except for kformula and kchart:

I'm in the middle of rearranging that site, hopefully only a few more days, 
that list is very hard to maintain as it is.  There are also several new 
applications in KDE that don't yet have any documentation, if nothing on that 
list is immediately interesting, including kpovmodeller (a povray model 
maker), ksim (similar to gkrellm), atlantik (a monopoly game) and some others 
I can't think of this minute.

You can submit documentation directly to me, at least to begin with, and do 
ask questions on the list.

You'll find the template in kdelibs/kdoctools/template.docbook, and resources 
for DocBook XML on the http://i18n.kde.org/doc/ website, and please use this 
list as a resource if you have any questions.

Lauri Watts
KDE Documentation Coordinator

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