[kde-doc-english]New on the list

Dr R Divakar divakar_r at vsnl.net
Mon Apr 15 20:28:59 CEST 2002


I have been using Caldera's OpenLinux WorkStation 3.1.1 over the last 4 
months on my home desktop for free. I believe the Open Source model works 
when users contribute. The KDE website led me here to this mailing list. 
Since my background is in Metallurgy and I am not very good at programming 
though I am, by my own admission good with using software, I felt I could 
contribute by helping with the documentation. And that is why I am here. I 
have a full time job as a Research Scientist at a Government Lab. I will be 
able to spend an hour or so each day at home on this. Is this enough? If yes, 
how does one get started? What are the hardware / software requirements? I 
believe my English is adequate and I have some experience in setting up and 
content management for our lab intranet. Ideally, I would like to start with 
proof - reading already written drafts of documentation so I get used to the 
writing technique and style. I have been unable to find any FAQs regarding 
this at the KDE website.

Please advise.

Kalpakkam, India

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