What's the plan for Marble's Qt 6 port?

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Mon Sep 16 18:39:21 BST 2024

El dilluns, 16 de setembre del 2024, a les 17:40:04 (CEST), Volker Krause va 
> On Montag, 16. September 2024 00:07:05 MESZ Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > El diumenge, 1 de setembre del 2024, a les 17:32:32 (CEST), Tobias Leupold
> > va
> > 
> > escriure:
> > > Hi all and esp. hi Marble devs :-)
> > > 
> > > I just wanted to ask: What's the plan for Marble's Qt 6 port? There's a
> > > "marble-qt6" branch, but the last commit there dates back to 11/2023 ...
> > > 
> > > I don't want to nag or bug you! I'm only asking because we at
> > > KPhotoAlbum
> > > and at KGeoTag (which are somehow sister projects, all about photo
> > > management) use Marble's MarbleWidget. KPhotoAlbum is just being ported
> > > to
> > > Qt 6, with Marble support left out by now, but I can't port KGeoTag
> > > before
> > > Marble's Qt 6 port is ready. That's because the MarbleWidget provides
> > > the
> > > program's core functionality, and it would be quite useless without.
> > > 
> > > Artix Linux (the one distribution I use) made Plasma 6 the default quite
> > > some weeks ago already, and Gentoo (the other one I use) made it the
> > > default as of today. More and more distributions will follow, so the Qt
> > > 5
> > > air is getting thinner ...
> > > 
> > > Thanks for all infos and of course big thanks for working on this fine
> > > piece of software that makes stuff like KGeoTag possible at all in the
> > > first place
> > > 
> > > :-)
> > 
> > Looking at
> > 
> > $ git shortlog -sn --since="1 year"
> > 
> >    117  l10n daemon script
> >    
> >     28  Volker Krause
> >     12  Heiko Becker
> >     
> >      7  Albert Astals Cid
> >      5  Jonathan Marten
> >      2  Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
> >      1  Boudhayan Bhattacharya
> >      1  Julius Künzel
> >      1  Oliver Kellogg
> >      1  Torsten Rahn
> >      1  justus schwartz
> > 
> > There's basically almost no-one working on Marble given Volker i think did
> > only work on some web generation stuff and Heiko and me are managing
> > version increases.
> > 
> > You already found https://invent.kde.org/education/marble/-/issues/12 so
> > that's what it is.
> > 
> > Someone needs to step up, and move ahead merging/fixing that "old"
> > marble-qt6 branch to master. Torsten was almost convinced to do it 4
> > months
> > ago, but seems he didn't.
> I don't mind contributing to a Qt 6 port as we'll eventually need that for
> the server-side tile generator as well.
> Marble however still only requires Qt 5.14 and only has an optional
> dependency on ECM, which means our established porting practices don't work
> there. Being able to change that would help significantly.

The people that were against using our established practices don't seem to be 
around to be able to disagree to that change ;)


> Regards,
> Volker

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