Flathub and Snap Store entries for KGeoTag

Matthias Klumpp matthias at tenstral.net
Wed Jan 3 00:30:12 GMT 2024

Am Mi., 3. Jan. 2024 um 00:52 Uhr schrieb Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org>:
> El dimarts, 2 de gener de 2024, a les 22:50:07 (CET), Tobias Leupold va escriure:
> > [missing changelog]
> For the first one, the changelog should be in the appstream file, you don't have it, so flathub doesn't see it. See the appstream spec, since freedesktop is down at the moment wayback machine!
> https://web.archive.org/web/20231116112735/https://www.freedesktop.org/software/appstream/docs/sect-Metadata-Releases.html

To add to that, if you don't want to write your release information as
XML, you can also write it as a textfile or YAML and generate the
needed metadata, if you don't mind a dependency on appstreamcli
(should usually already be present everywhere).
See https://blog.tenstral.net/2020/03/maintain-release-info-easily-in-metainfo-files.html
for some information on how to do that.

> For the second your project-license in appstream file is "wrong" (maybe not wrong, but not what flathub wants, there's lots or complaints on the internet how spdx changed from one to the other and how tools are breaking left and right because of it) instead of GPL-3.0-or-later should probably be GPL-3.0+ (most of our project use the second form and show fine in flathub)

That is true, but in this case we don't know what to do with
"LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL" and assume that that's a proprietary
license ID.
If you need to use LicenseRef, maybe see if
has some information that's useful to you. We do support
LicenseRef-free=<url> style references, but we can't add support for
every custom license ref that people on the internet might come up
with, the result would be unmaintainable and always incomplete. In
this particular case it appears like just stating GPL-3.0-or-later is
probably enough :-)


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