Seeking Mentorship and Guidance for "Mechanical Sphere" Proposal for SoK 24'

Ritu Verma ritutwinkle10 at
Tue Jan 2 06:26:01 GMT 2024

Hello, Team KDE!

I'm currently working on a proposal for SoK 2024. However, I recognize the
importance of having a mentor from the core team to provide valuable
insights and guidance throughout the proposal development process.

Let me briefly explain my idea: I want to build an All-in-one-mechanical
tool named *Mechanical Sphere *for engineers that assist them with IS Steel
table, Metal Calculator, Flat pattern analyzer, Cone calculator
, Fabrication Calculator, Tank Volume Calculator.
I also would like to hear what you think about structuring and presenting a
compelling proposal. I understand that your time is precious, and I would
be immensely grateful for the opportunity to discuss my project and
proposal with you. I am flexible with the format and timing of our
discussion. I am open to adjusting based on your schedule. Your timely
assistance would be invaluable. Thank you for considering my request, and I
appreciate your commitment to supporting the community.
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