Guidelins for one codebase that builds with Qt5 and Qt6?

Klaas Freitag freitag at
Mon Aug 5 15:24:43 BST 2024

Am 05.08.24 um 16:15 schrieb Halla Rempt:

> We're finally working on porting Krita to Qt6, but that's going to be a long road. I seem to remember that there were KDE apps that could be built with both Qt6/Kf6 and Qt5/Kf5. Did I remember that right? And if so, is there some howto or documentation for that?

This is a very good question. I have the two-platform solution done for 
my little project PDFQuirk here:

Since the project is small, that is just a bit of CMake fiddling. 
However, I have no idea if it is solved "well".

For my bigger project Kraft I would rather port "at once", but having a 
solution for both would be better...

Any input from wise people would be appreciated.


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