l10n data move from svn to git

Tobias Leupold tl at stonemx.de
Sun Oct 2 12:42:16 BST 2022

Hi all :-)

So a few hours ago, a new "po" folder appeared in KGeoTag, KPhotoAlbum and 
most probably everywhere. Apparently, the translations data is now not hosted 
on some svn repo anymore, but right indside the respective project? Which 
seems to be reasonable to me.

I only have one question, after screwing up the last release of KGeoTag and 
KPhotoAlbum (which lacked all translations, due to tarme.rb not having been 
updated yet, and me having been the probably only misadventurer to make a 
release in the exact timeframe where the problem existed):

Is there something I have to take care of in another way I had to do before 
when I do the next release using tarme.rb?

Sorry for this possibly redundant question, but once burnt, twice shy ;-)

Cheers, Tobias

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