Compile failures with kdesrc-build

o lu oluoluolu at
Tue Feb 22 22:23:39 GMT 2022

I am trying to compile some applications form the latest KDE with 

My system is Ubuntu 20.04.

Command line

./kdesrc-build knights ... --include-dependencies --stop-on-failure


Updating sysadmin-repo-metadata (to branch master)

Building Qt5 from qt5-set (1/132)
Error updating Qt5, removing from list of packages to build.
  > Failed to make initial clone of Qt5
     Cloning Qt5
     Unable to update Qt5, build canceled.

Qt5 didn't build, stopping here.
     No source update, but 
/build/kde/build/kcoreaddons/cmake_install.cmake is missing
     No source update, but the build directory doesn't exist
     No source update, but the build directory doesn't exist
     No source update, but the build directory doesn't exist
Error updating kdoctools, removing from list of packages to build.
  > Unable to stash local changes (if any) for kdoctools, aborting update.
     No source update, but the build directory doesn't exist
     No source update, but the build directory doesn't exist
     No source update, but the build directory doesn't exist
     No source update, but the build directory doesn't exist
Error updating kdbusaddons, removing from list of packages to build.
  > Unable to perform git fetch for origin (kde:frameworks/kdbusaddons.git)
Error updating kguiaddons, removing from list of packages to build.
  > Unable to perform git fetch for origin (kde:frameworks/kguiaddons.git)
     No source update, but the build directory doesn't exist
     No source update, but the build directory doesn't exist
^CSignal received, terminating.
Unable to save persistent module data: No such file or directory
Your logs are saved in file:///build/kde/down/log/2022-02-22-13

Also for some reason "Updating sysadmin-repo-metadata (to branch 
master)" always seems to take a long time.


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