[Kde-devel-es] [PATCH] KMid: draw note events

Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas pedro.lopez.cabanillas at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 11:56:47 CEST 2009


Desde la migración a KDE4, KMid ya no pinta los eventos de notas en los 
teclados de la vista de canales. En cambio, se pueden ver una serie de 
mensajes en el terminal:

QPainter::begin: Widget painting can only begin as a result of a paintEvent
QPainter::setPen: Painter not active

El parche adjunto lo soluciona.


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Since the KDE4 migration, KMid doesn't draw the note events on the keyboard 
widget of the channels view. Instead, you can see the following messages in 
the terminal:

QPainter::begin: Widget painting can only begin as a result of a paintEvent
QPainter::setPen: Painter not active

The attached patch solves the issue.

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