'Additional compiler support for qpl'd Qt4/win32' - add on :-)

Christian Ehrlicher Ch.Ehrlicher at gmx.de
Thu Oct 20 15:44:55 CEST 2005

> >What MSVC - version do you use? You have to add QtCore.lib and at least
> >QtGui.lib to your linker (I think it's named 'additional dependencies'.
> >Maybe you have also set the library search path to QTDIR/lib. When you
> use
> >Msvc.net and up, qmake can create the project for you -> 'qmake -spec
> >win32-msvc.net -tp vc'. Msvc6 is currently not supported this way.
> >For more information see:
> >http://doc.trolltech.com/4.0/qmake-manual.html
> >and for the needed libraries esp. this:
> >
> >
> I can use VCNET. From now, I'm using VC 7.1
> I performed compilation and so on. And what I should do in order to use Qt
Read my mail ... when you want to use VisualStudio IDE use command line I
wrote above and open app.vcproj in explorer. If you want to compile on
command line, use "qmake -spec win32-msvc.net" - but don't use 'make' but
'nmake' because Microsoft need to name all things a little bit different...
You have to do the same in linux. There you also have to set QTDIR,
QMAKESPEC and qmake is the same like there.


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