QT 3/Win Free

Christian Ehrlicher Ch.Ehrlicher at gmx.de
Wed Jan 19 09:25:41 CET 2005

> For drawing table cell boundaries, LyX sets the style of a QPen in the
> following way:
>   QPen pen = ...;
>   pen.setColor("LightSteelBlue");
>   pen.setStyle(QPen:DotLine);
>   pen.setWidth(0);
> As a result, a thin blue dotted line should be drawn when using this
> pen. But instead, a black (sometimes red) solid line is draw (the color
> may depend on former drawing operations).

I've attached a small patch to fix this problem. It happens because
ExtCreatePen can't create pens with a width of 0.


Sparen beginnt mit GMX DSL: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl
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