msvc 8 compile instructions

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at
Thu Jan 13 12:08:20 CET 2005

Here are compile instructions for msvc8.
(I don't know the english version of DE:Arbeitsplatz/Eigenschaften/Umgebungsvariablen):

This page gives you some instructions how to compile the Qt3/Win Free port with the free as beer
"Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Beta"
(Why using SUCH a compiler? It's the only free available IDE with a
almost template-standard conform compiler on windows - or is this wrong?)

     * Windows 2000 or XP
     * Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Beta
     * Platform SDK
     * Qt-3/Win Free sources

Installing "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Beta":

Download and install MSVC8 Beta ("vcsetup.exe", 66MB) and .NET 2.0 beta ("dotnetfx.exe", 24MB) after registration
Optionally you could download some unfinished Microsoft documentation with the file "msdnixp.exe" (166MB).

Installing the Platform SDK:

Download all files (320 MB) from
Extract the files as described and run "Setup.exe": Install the "Core SDK".

Get the "Qt3/Win Free" sources

     * by downloading a Qt-3 source snapshot from the KDE-Cygwin snapshot area

     * or from the cvs repository

             first connect to the cvs server

             c:\source> cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at login

             enter empty password
             then checkout the sources with

             c:\source> cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous at co -r QT_WIN32_3_3_BRANCH qt-3

Compiling Qt by command line tools

    1. Open a cmd shell
    2. Setup your compiler environment (please adjust the path to your needs)

     c:\source> "C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools\vcvars32.bat"

    3. Setup Qt environment

     c:\source> set QTDIR=< qt3 source root>
     c:\source> set PATH=%QTDIR%\bin;%PATH%
     c:\source> set

    4. Configure and build the source
       The script first creates link_includes.exe and configure.exe which
       are needed for bootstrap the build process. link_includes copies all
       relevant Qt-headers into the include-directory. configure.exe is
       the replacement for the ./configure-script unnder Unix/Linux.
       After that, qmake.exe is build and the compilation gets started.

         c:\source> cd < qt3 source root >
         c:\source\qt-3> configure.bat [-fast] [-verbose]

       configure knows some of the parameters of the x11 release configure script like -fast or -verbose.
       For a full list see bin\configure.exe -help.

       This should build the whole Qt release. If it breaks you can restart compiling with

         c:\source\qt-3> nmake [< target >]

       for a list of all available targets see the toplevel Makefile

    5. Start Qt applications

     c:\source\qt-3> designer
     c:\source\qt-3> assistant
     c:\source\qt-3> linguist
     c:\source\qt-3> cd tutorial\t1
     c:\source\qt-3\tutorial\t1> t1

Compiling Qt with the IDE

    1. Setup Qt environment in EN:? DE:Arbeitsplatz/Eigenschaften/Umgebungsvariablen

         QTDIR=< qt3 source root>
         add < qt3 source root>\bin to the PATH variable

      2. Add the Platform SDK Path (e.g. C:\Programme\Microsoft SDK\Include) at the end of the list to your Options:
         menu->Tools/Options: Projects and Solutions/VC++ Directories/Incude Files
         Also the /Library Files (e.g. C:\Programme\Microsoft SDK\Lib)

     3. run the configure.bat until it starts building qt and stop it there

     4. open and comile the /src/qt_mt.vcproj and qtmain.vcproj with the IDE

     5. compile other *.vcproj files


     * Do not use spaces in the qt source path, it will produce weired results
     * incremental link does not work; use static linkage for a faster link process

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