LyX needs help: Broken font metrics computation

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes Jean-Marc.Lasgouttes at
Wed Jan 5 16:31:35 CET 2005

>>>>> "Ruurd" == Ruurd Reitsma <rareitsma at> writes:

Ruurd> On the Lyx side, this helps:
Ruurd> At least, with Non-Commercial 3.2.1. 

So you mean that official Qt/Win and Qt/X have different semantics for
font metrics? This is mind-boggling.

What output do you have with Michael's testcase in Qt/Win 3.2.1 NC?

Ruurd> Here, the lyx_gui::needs_ugly_metrics_hack() is also needed.
Ruurd> This ugly_metrics_hack is not needed for the free 3.3.3.

We have to sort out this too, and I suspect this is related.


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