What options are there for compiling Scribus?

Steven Boothe steven at poiema.org
Tue Feb 22 01:34:50 CET 2005

Holger Schröder wrote:
> Hi,
> all in all the process of porting Scribus to windows is not trivial.
> scribus as it is now is a program, that runs on unix/linux with x11 and is 
> compiled with gcc.
> so you should go on step by step
> first: you should try to get scribus running on cygwin with x11 and qt for 
> cygwin and x11. that would be the transition from linux to cygwin. there can 
> be problems here.

Yes. This is where I am concentrating my efforts now. Ideally, if I 
could get the process ironed out to where the instructions could be 
fairly straight forward to follow, and the process could support 
starting Scribus as a stand-alone app with X in the systray, and the 
opportunity to stay current with Scribus in CVS, then I think we will 
have made a fairly significant accomplishment.

This is how I imagine the instructions would look at this point:

1). Install Cygwin for running QT cygwin/X11 apps (not working at 
moment, but looks like it worked at one point from the docs at:
http://kde-cygwin.sourceforge.net/qt3/compiling.php it may be that they 
just need to be worked through and updated again - something I am 
willing to do).

2). Download and Compile Scribus (something which I believe Ralf has 
working, but I have yet to accomplish, but am continuing to work through)

3). Start Scribus similar to the following manner:

 From the docs for running KDE apps:

"I don't like to use the whole desktop, only single kde applications. 
How do I do that ?
Running kde applications without the desktop requires running some basic 
application like shown below:

ipc-daemon2 &
Xwin -multiwindow &
kdeeinit --no-kded --nofork &

After that you can run any kde application
kwrite --nofork &

> expect to spend a week of full time work on this, if it works at all.
> if you can get one or more of these steps working, please tell us about it, so 
> that the changes you needed to make can be fed back into the main scribus 
> cvs.

Yes, well I think I am already getting close to one week already. But 
then again, I may have a higher learning curve. :) I fully intend to 
feed back any and all advances I make to the list as well as making an 
announcement to the scribus mailing list as soon as I have some 
semblance of a working recipe - as well as posting it at 
wiki.scribus.net where anyone can continue to post changes, notes, 
successes or failures.

> btw: when you get a package of scribus, that is packaged directly from cvs, 
> you have to execute the "make -f Makefile.cvs" step, when you get a package, 
> that is released, then you can omit that step. released packages already 
> contain the file "configure" in the base directory. snapshots of cvs have to 
> build that file first. that is done by executing make -f Makefile.cvs.

Thank you this is very helpful to know. Much appreciated. :)

> i wish you a lot of luck with this. i looked at that about half a year ago for 
> some hours, and i couldn´t finish step one, because scribus was always 
> crashing on startup...

Well I certainly appreciate the sentiment as this has not been easy, but 
since I have the time everyday I have taken this up this task until I 
have either a working recipe for all to benefit, or I have exhausted all 
options to which I can post very definitively that it is explicitly not 
possible at this time. In which we can at least put that answer to the 
question in an FAQ of some sort. :)

Best wishes!


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