QT/WIN32: VC Patches

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Sun Apr 25 20:20:26 CEST 2004

On Sunday 25 April 2004 16:58, Peter Kuemmel wrote:
> Thiago A. Corrêa wrote:
> > Well, looks like I don't need to send my patches anymore :o)
> My port to vc is only a "prove of concept", not very systematic.
> So there is maybe code that you have ported and I've not used, because
> I've  looked only at that moment into the wolfpack code when  there is a
> comiler or linker error.
> The kde-cygwin port is based on version < 3.1 and the latest of wolfpack
> is 3.3.1! We can think about a port with gui of 3.3.1.

Does this mean that there is a native windows port of qt 3.3.1 somwhere in the 
internet. I've searched around on http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/wpdev 
to find some qt related sources, but haven't found.  Are I'm on a wrong track 
with my assumption or where should I take a look ? 

>  > btw, the .dsp is not the most important thing at all ;
> I don't have used your configure port (so  have to copy the " most
> importand" *.dsps):  this part could added  kde-cygwin.
> I also used the moc generated of your port, I've not testet the
> compiling of moc with the kde-cygwin port.
I understand 
> The installation of your port is very comfortable, maybe you could help
> making such a installation of the kde-cygwin/qt port.

Makeing a full msvc port require some more work, because the recent build 
process is based on unix like systems using sh and some more tools. 
Additional there must not be any cygwin related stuff in the sources, which 
requires some more work. 

The best strategy seems to me to split your patch in three categories: 

1. cygwin related replacements like qsocketdevice_win.cpp 
2. unicode related changes 
3. msvc related changes

For each topic see further emails. 


> Cheers
> Peter
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