[Kde-cvs-announce] Kdelibs and kdebase have migrated to Git

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Sun Jan 30 09:38:47 CET 2011

Dear KDE Account Holder,

We are pleased to announce that the conversion of kdelibs and kdebase
from Subversion to git has been completed!

Kdelibs has remained one repository, while kdebase has been split into
four repositories that reflect the development and packaging more
clearly. These repositories are: kde-runtime (was kdebase/runtime),
kde-baseapps (was kdebase/apps, minus konsole), kde-workspace (was
kdebase/workspace) and konsole (was kdebase/apps/konsole).

In addition the different parts of the kate project: kate part
(kdelibs), kwrite (kdebase) and kate (kdesdk) have been consolidated
into one kate repository.

We advise you to put the following in your ~/.gitconfig:

 [url "git://anongit.kde.org/"]
     insteadOf = kde:
 [url "ssh://git@git.kde.org/"]
     pushInsteadOf = kde:

By using the kde: prefix, read access will automatically happen over
our awesome anongit network (which updates every 5 minutes) while
pushes will automatically be made to the main git server which
requires authentication via your SSH key. Keys can be added and
removed via http://identity.kde.org .

Then, to clone one or more of the new repositories, just do:

 $ git clone kde:kdelibs # 129 MiB
 $ git clone kde:konsole #  4.55 MiB
 $ git clone kde:kate # 11 MiB
 $ git clone kde:kde-baseapps #  32 MiB
 $ git clone kde:kde-workspace # 138 MiB
 $ git clone kde:kde-runtime # 56 MiB

If you need more help you should first read the KDE Git manual at
http://community.kde.org/Sysadmin/GitKdeOrgManual. If you have
problems not covered in that document, feel free to contact sysadmin.


KDE Sysadmin & Git conversion crew.
ps. You are receiving this because you are marked as an svn/git
account holder. Unsubscribing from this list is not possible, other
than requesting that your account be deactivated.

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