Aura Browser in KDE Review

Nicolas Fella nicolas.fella at
Sat Aug 27 15:18:14 BST 2022

Am 26.08.22 um 12:27 schrieb Aditya Mehra:
> Hi,
> Aura Browser is in KDE Review and would like to release it along with
> Plasma Bigscreen
> Aura browser is a web browser specifically designed to work with
> remote controls and key navigation for Plasma Bigscreen, it supports a
> virtual mouse cursor and multiple tabs it also includes a third party
> AdBlock from brave browser based on easy list.
> You can find the repository here:
> Request to please review Aura Browser.
> Regards,
> Aditya


- There is no Gitlab CI, please add that

- There is no support for Qt6. Please look into that and report any
blockers (e.g. missing API in Qt) you find. (not a blocker for kdereview)

- In
the desktop file is configured but only static values are passed in. Why?

- According to the desktop file the app can open .deb and .rmp files.
Why would a browser be able to open those?

- The executable name (AuraBrowser) is somewhat unconventional. Usually
we use lowercase names, i.e. aurabrowser or aura-browser

I also have some nitpicks about the CMake code, but it's probably more
productive if I just make a MR instead of listing every single one.


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