Move Licentia to KDEREVIEW

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Mon Aug 8 21:02:42 BST 2022

Am Montag, 8. August 2022 21:05:44 CEST schrieb David Redondo:
> Do the licenses really require these specially named files? Note that all
> used licenses in the repo are all included in the repos in a 
> LICENSES folder.
> it would be a massive oversight and afaik there were never complains from 
> fedora when this was started three years ago (
> T11550)

The licenses do not require specific file names, so as long as *every* 
repository includes the licenses relevant for that repository in a 
LICENSES/ folder, and as long as these licenses are included in the 
tarball, you are good to go.

You just need to ensure that *every* tarball contains all licenses used by 
any code in the same tarball. (Then they should also end up in every source 
and binary RPM, but that is the distribution's job.) Where exactly does not 
matter. (But it is not enough to point to some dependency's copy of the 
license, the license really has to be included with every tarball.)

        Kevin Kofler

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