AudioTube in KDEReview

Harald Sitter sitter at
Sun Jun 20 23:45:00 BST 2021

On 16.06.21 21:27, Jonah BrĂ¼chert wrote:
>> - something is also wonky with the playlist. it doesn't cover the width
>> (when data fails to load). it is overlapped by the scrollbar. clear and
>> shuffle don't seem to have labels though there would be enough space
> The left side should display the album cover, do you think the playlist
> should fill the whole page if there is none?

That would be an option. Alternatively what might make sense is show a
placeholdermessage [1] instead of the album cover and/or possibly an
icon as generic placeholder artwork. Not sure which makes more sense.
With a placeholder it'd certainly be more consistent from a visual POV.

>> - on some artists I get `TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable `
> Which exactly? I can't reproduce it with Daft Punk.

Ah sorry. It was the Thomas Bangalter entry. Curiously the search is
different today ^^. If you search for 'Bangalter' it happens with the
artist entry still.


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