MauiKit and Index review
Camilo Higuita Rodriguez
chiguitar at
Tue Sep 29 20:05:23 BST 2020
I will make the corrections to mauikit. Not sire how is the translation
catalog set?
What is the best way to set the date format to not force it?
Thanks for the feedback.
On Mon, 28 Sep 2020 at 5:42 PM Albert Astals Cid <aacid at> wrote:
> El dimarts, 22 de setembre de 2020, a les 23:05:10 CEST, Camilo Higuita
> Rodriguez va escriure:
> > Hi,
> > For the next stable release, we would like to go through KDE review
> first.
> >
> > To start I want to submit MauiKit and Index for review, and later on the
> > other apps.
> >
> >
> >
> > The changes we have made to get to this review are all in the development
> > branch.
> >
> > I will be available to perform any needed fixes and answer any questions
> > since I'm the main developer and maintainer.
> mauikit
> ./src/controls/private/AboutDialog.qml:151:
> label1.text: "Powered by"
> ./src/controls/FileBrowser.qml:164: title: "Removing
> %1 files".arg(urls.length)
> ./src/controls/FileBrowser.qml:119: placeholderText:
> String("Filter %1 files").arg(control.currentFMList ?
> control.currentFMList.count : 0)
> needs i18n?
> ./src/controls/Dialog.qml:214: text: qsTr("Cancel")
> ./src/controls/Dialog.qml:259: text: qsTr("Accept")
> should be i18n instead of qsTr?
> ./src/controls/ListBrowserDelegate.qml:98: label4.text:
> model.modified ? Maui.FM.formatDate(model.modified, "MM/dd/yyyy") : ""
> Forcing the date format seems quite bad
> You don't have a in mauikit. If this is a library, shouldn't
> it be using i18nd instead of i18n? How is the translation catalog loaded
> otherwise?
> index-fm
> You have a but the translation catalog is not set anywhere
> that i can see?
> Cheers,
> Albert
> >
> > Greetings,
> > Camilo Higuita
> >
> >
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