SIC/BIC in Frameworks (NOT)

Scarlett Clark scarlett.gately.clark at
Mon Sep 14 13:42:28 BST 2015

I guess I  forgot to turn back on clean workspace? We were debugging qt5.5.
Am so sorry, been traveling home.
On Sep 14, 2015 12:59 PM, "Ben Cooksley" <bcooksley at> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 12:28 AM, David Faure <faure at> wrote:
> > This is clearly a CI issue, not a SIC/BIC, as both our investigations
> prove.
> And now fixed.
> >
> > On Sunday 13 September 2015 23:43:19 Ben Cooksley wrote:
> >> This then causes KNotification to fail to build (as it depends on
> >> netwm.h) which then leads to the rest of the failures we see. This
> >> itself is probably a bug?
> >
> > If KWindowSystem is built with X11 forced OFF
> > and KNotifications is built with X11 enabled
> > (CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_X11 not being set),
> > you end up with a compilation error.
> > I think that's quite obvious, and I wouldn't consider that a bug.
> >
> > We only support X11 on everywhere or off everywhere.
> > Combinations of "some frameworks with X11 enabled and some with
> > X11 purposefully disabled" don't make sense to me.
> Indeed, but couldn't they raise an error if one is built without X11
> support but the others are trying to build with X11 support?
> >
> > --
> > David Faure, faure at,
> > Working on KDE Frameworks 5
> >
> Cheers,
> Ben
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