Time to let extragear mail list go for good

Helio Chissini de Castro helio at kde.org
Tue Jan 13 13:56:20 GMT 2015

Hello all

For several months, the majority of mails coming to extragear list was
basically spam.
I know a few of you have an announce point, but it's time to let it go.

The extragear list already paid off on the past, but nowadays, is an
abandoned place as we are more and more concentrating our communication in
a few points, reducing the difficulty on managing all,

And besides extragear lives as in concept, is not anymore a spearated
thing, is now a denomination of part or KDE project, as frameworks, plasma,
have their all denominations.

So, unless someone raise rational points, i want to ask politely to our
sysadmin to end this list, and then we properly move for better places all
the info.

After that, extragear homepage next ( the old monolithic one )

Regards, Helio
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