Moving KDE Telepathy to kdenetwork
Albert Astals Cid
aacid at
Wed Feb 4 00:51:49 GMT 2015
El Dimarts, 3 de febrer de 2015, a les 00:49:17, Martin Klapetek va escriure:
> Hi,
> so we decided with KDE Telepathy to join the big guys and become
> part of KDE Applications 15.04. So I'd like to request a move of
> KDE Telepathy repos[1] to kdenetwork/. This is also a mail to Urs
> Wolfer asking for approval as per the policies.
KTP is all KF5 based at the moment, right?
Not being a IM user myself, how does KTP compare to kopete feature wise?
Kopete mailing list: is there any work happening in kopete? Are you even
thinking on a port to KF5?
> KDE Telepathy has been through kdereview once and we've kept
> the culture of "everything goes through review" pretty high up, but
> I guess that move from extragear to main module also must go
> through kdereview? The app lifecycle page[2] does not mention
> this case.
I'd say that given it had review already and we deemed it was good enough, we
can just skip the code review and focus on more administrative stuff :D
> Another part that KDE Telepathy needs is KAccounts and we'd like
> to move that one too, probably to kde-runtime but there seems to be
> some disagreements of the purpose of kde-runtime. KAccounts is
> basically a KCM, a kded module and a library for writing custom plugins
> for various KAccounts functionality. So please advise where to move
> that. Also note that this was in kdereview just a month ago so I'd like
> to just skip kdereview for this as it didn't have many changes.
Was thinking, why not kdenetwork? I mean what kind of non network related
account would you add to KAccounts?
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