Another proposal for modernization of our infrastructure

Martin Sandsmark martin.sandsmark at
Tue Feb 3 11:23:09 GMT 2015

On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 02:01:22PM +0100, Jan Kundrát wrote:
> Due to the nature of build jobs which constitute a pretty bursty
> load, renting VMs sounds like a cost-effective approach for our
> scale. I do not expect that it would make financial sense for us to
> procure enough physical HW to cover the peak demand -- hence the
> VMs.

But this means that we would be even more dependent on financial donations to
be able to keep a functioning infrastructure, if I understand correctly?

> Renting VMs also enables corporate sponsors to offer unused capacity for
> less money, or even for free.

Has anyone been in contact with hosters/providers to see what kind of
sponsoring we could get? And it still increases our reliance on sponsors.

Martin Sandsmark

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