Another proposal for modernization of our infrastructure

Martin Sandsmark martin.sandsmark at
Tue Feb 3 10:36:37 GMT 2015

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 11:44:22PM -0200, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> Many of your complaints about usability (threading, replies, etc.) are solved 
> or at least partially addressed in the new Gerrit UI, which versions like 2.7 
> have. It might not be the default on the installation, so check the settings 
> and try to turn it on.

Do you know of any Gerrit installations that have this enabled?

We use Gerrit (2.7) at work, and the UI is still pretty horrible,
unfortunately I can't play with the settings (I'm assuming they are some
global settings, because I can't find anything for it in my personal

I also want to avoid setting up a personal Gerrit installation, it seems
pretty painful to install. :-)

Martin Sandsmark

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