RFC: KDE Bugzilla Bugs Expiration

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Sun Aug 2 22:19:21 BST 2015

On Saturday 01 August 2015 01:49:13 Daniel Vrátil wrote:
> I like the idea of a nag and I don't think it necesarily conflicts with the
> ideas above. Having a weekly/bi-weekly nags to developers would IMO work
> ("hey, you have 10 new bugs this week that you did not comment on or
> confirmed yet, please look at them asap").  If the developer ignores the
> bugs even after that then it becomes a different problem, but that I don't
> know how to solve.

It certainly wouldn't work for me. I know because I'm nagged all the time by 
mailman that there are n messages in the moderation queue. I know this because 
I also receive each individual moderation request. The nagging is just 

I'm filtering out all kdepim bug reports (yeah, I could just unsubscribe from 
the list). I'll certainly filter out the nag mails as well.

If I was still interested in the bug reports then I'd prefer to create my own 
workflow for handling them without being annoyed by some robot that doesn't no 
anything about how I work.

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