KF 5.3.0 changelog

David Faure faure at kde.org
Mon Oct 6 22:14:33 BST 2014

Dear workspace and application developers,

In case you're not reading kde-announce, here's the list of changes in
KF 5.3.0, just released.

### KActivities

* Added DBus interface to load plugins at runtime

### KArchive

* Add convenience method KArchive::file()
* Compilation fixes for MSVC

### KBookmarks

* Fix encoding issue in KIO places dialog (bug 337642)

### KCMUtils

* Fix initial size of KCMultiDialog (bugs 337494, 325897)

### KCompletion

* Fixed size hint and positioning of clear button in highDpi mode

### KConfig

* KConfigLoader: fix sharing of KSharedConfig objects

### KConfigWidgets

* Now provides the kf5_entry.desktop files it needs for KLanguageButton

### KCoreAddons

* Kdelibs4Migration: allow distributions to set _KDE4_DEFAULT_HOME_POSTFIX
 so that the kde4 home is found properly.
* Compilation fixes for MSVC and gcc 4.5
* Turn KFormat into a Q_GADGET so we can expose its properties to QML indirectly

### KEmoticons

* Add unicode characters to Glass emoticon theme

### KGuiAddons

* Make KFontUtils::adaptFontSize be a bit more exact

### KI18n

* Remove leftover Perl dependency

### KIO

* Now includes kio_trash 
* Add new KIO job, KIO::fileSystemFreeSpace, that allows you to get a filesystem's total and available space.
* kshorturifilter: Remove redundant forward slashes from the beginning of an URI
* Add searchprovider definitions for the qwant search engine
* File dialog: fix relative paths being turned into HTTP URLs
* Fix thumbnails for mimetype groups.

### KJS

* Implement Math.Clz32
* U+0000 through U+001F is not allowed as char, but as escaped unicode sequence (bug 338970)

### KNotifications

* Avoid infinite recursion in KStatusNotifierItem / QSystemTray.

### KService

* Many many fixes to KPluginInfo
* Add functions to convert between lists KPluginMetaData and KPluginInfo

### KTextEditor

* Multiple memory leaks fixed
* Avoid auto-completion to interfere with search/replace text (bug 339130), and more autocompletion fixes
* Many fixes to the VIM mode

### KWidgetAddons

* KPageListView: fixes for high-dpi mode
* KPageWidget: margin fixes

### KWindowSystem

* NETWinInfo now provides convenient wrapper for WM_PROTOCOLS.
* NETWinInfo now provides convenient wrapper for input and urgency hints of WM_HINTS property.

### Solid

* New freedesktop backend, replacing the upower/udev/systemd backends

### Extra-cmake-modules

* New module ECMGeneratePkgConfigFile, for frameworks to install a pkgconfig file.
* New option ECM_ENABLE_SANITIZERS, to enable clang sanitizers. Example: ECM_ENABLE_SANITIZERS='address;undefined'
* New option BUILD_COVERAGE, to enable code coverage.

### Frameworkintegration

* Fixed for compilation with Qt 5.4
* Fixed a few standard shortcuts

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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