Scripting/Extensions BoF at Akademy?

Kevin Krammer krammer at
Sat Aug 9 20:37:30 BST 2014

On Saturday, 2014-08-09, 18:04:18, Christoph Cullmann wrote:
> > Greetings all,
> > 
> > I'd like to ask if there is any interest of having a BoF around the topic
> > of script language based extensions for KDE applications.
> > 
> > Some applications already offer that, e.g. Kate, and Plasma is even
> > designed around that idea.
> > 
> > But currently there seems to be quite some infrastructure implemented
> > multiple
> > times, e.g. a "require" or "include" mechanism for QtScript.
> > 
> > My goal for the BoF would be to see which functional blocks we have spread
> > across KDE software, if we could identify bits that can be upstreamed and
> > bits
> > that would be nice in a KScriptAddon framework.
> > 
> > One thing for the latter could be support for packages, probably based on
> > Plasma packages, as a nice and common way of making application extensions
> > distributable including assets and translations.
> Hi,
> for the JS scripting in KatePart I would be interested in a BoF, for the
> Python stuff I have actually no clue how it works :P

Neither do I but we can certainly discuss multi language support, etc as well 
if there is an interest by some participants.

Some things like packaging is probably applicable in a very similar way.

> Interesting would be, what we should use for scripting actually.
> KatePart still uses QtScript which is in "maintainance" mode, I tried to
> port to the the Qml/JSEngine stuff, but that was to buggy in 5.2, perhaps
> in 5.3 and later it is usable.

I was primarly thinking about QtScript. My understanding is that despite its 
label it is still the primary scripting module due to QJSEngine not having all 
the API yet and all work regarding it being concentrated on the QML use case.

But, indeed, this is a good topic as well.

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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