AppStream Upstream Metadata: The next steps

Matthias Klumpp matthias at
Fri Apr 18 20:11:10 BST 2014

2014-04-18 20:50 GMT+02:00 Burkhard Lück <lueck at>:
> Am Freitag, 18. April 2014, 16:25:40 schrieb Matthias Klumpp:
>> These scripts illustrate how translation of the XML can be done in
>> KDE. I would kindly ask the l10n-script developers to take a look at
>> it any maybe integrate it at the proper places, because they know the
>> code way better than I do.
>> The scripts can be found at:
>> (I also included a demo XML file)
>> I wanted to post that to Reviewboard, but couldn't find a project for
>> Scripty.
> Quoting my comment on
> Please have a look at the recent changes in
> update_translations
> These changes are about a similar problem, ectracting strings for translation
> from mimetype xml files and fill the xml files with the translations.
Some of these files already existed back in the days. From what I've
seen, the code takes the mime-xml, extracts interesting tag
(<comment/>) performs some hacks so intltool likes it (<comment/> =>
<_comment/>) and then does similar stuff my examples do (but with
intltool instead of itstool, which IMHO is mot really nice for this
purpose (I love intltool otherwise!)).
I also don't fully understand the need for in the source tree...
So, because of this and especially because of:
# Note to developers:
# there are not many comments in this code to avoid to slow down the code
# So please look also in the svn log to have comments about the code
I would need help from someone experienced with the l10n workflow and
especially the l10n code to integrate the changes - that stuff is
really hard to understand if you don't know the details and if there
are zero comments explaining things[1]. The UML helps a little bit,
but it still leaves lots of questions.
I think with the scripts above it's trivial for someone who knows the
code to call them from the appropriate places and make the necessary
adjustments ;-)

[1]: Maybe long-term it would make sense to attempt a Python rewrite
of this? (there are currently bits of C++, Python, Perl, Sh and Bash
in this - Esp. calls like "g++ -O2 -march=nocona -o apply
scripts/applycontext.cpp" in the generation code make me wonder...)

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