AppStream Upstream Metadata: The next steps

Burkhard Lück lueck at
Fri Apr 18 19:50:41 BST 2014

Am Freitag, 18. April 2014, 16:25:40 schrieb Matthias Klumpp:

> These scripts illustrate how translation of the XML can be done in
> KDE. I would kindly ask the l10n-script developers to take a look at
> it any maybe integrate it at the proper places, because they know the
> code way better than I do.
> The scripts can be found at:
> (I also included a demo XML file)
> I wanted to post that to Reviewboard, but couldn't find a project for
> Scripty.

Quoting my comment on

Please have a look at the recent changes in

These changes are about a similar problem, ectracting strings for translation 
from mimetype xml files and fill the xml files with the translations.

Burkhard Lück

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