Adopting AppData in KDE?

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Nov 5 14:40:57 GMT 2013

On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 12:57:28 Richard Hughes wrote:
> On 5 November 2013 12:18, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at> wrote:
> > why do you need to know this? can AppStream not call external tools to do
> > the installation?
> The way AppStream is generated in Fedora is we:

ok ... this is separate from App Data, then?

> * Take the binary rpm file
> * Explode it somewhere (without installing it)
> * Parse the contents
> * Write a file of metadata and a tarfile of icons

the corresponding steps for a plasma package would be:

* take the compressed package file
* unzip it somewhere (without installing it)
* parse the metadata.desktop file in the root
* optionally look for icons in the root
* write a file of metadata and a tarfile of icons

it’s just a zip file. :)

Aaron J. Seigo

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