R: Re: R: Re: R: Re: kde review kartesio

LucaTringali TRINGALINVENT at libero.it
Sat May 11 13:37:06 BST 2013

Ooops: I thought I already corrected this problem, for some reason I did not 
upload to git this correction. On my system the build goes fine also with that 
line, but I decide to remove it because it can cause problems with other 
compiler configurations (on mine I just get a wrining, on other systems it is 
an error).
I corrected the line, anyway just commenting it should be fine: this line is 
not needed, and it presence does not affect the running of the program.
I read that you have commented this line, so you should now be able to run 
Kartesio. To try it, you can load the file "parabola.kartesio" which is on the 
git repo.

Luca Tringali

>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
>Data: 11/05/2013 13.08
>A: "LucaTringali"<TRINGALINVENT at libero.it>
>Cc: <kde-core-devel at kde.org>
>Ogg: Re: R: Re: R: Re: kde review kartesio
>> so I don't have to type all those every time I want to build Kartesio
>> again.
>> I'm not sure why you get that error, mainlybecause I don't know which
>> is the
>> instruction that gives that problem since I changed a lot the code in
>> these
>> hours. Try to download the latest git version and build it, so I will
>> know
>> exactly where the problem is.
>commenting out line 465 in calculations.cpp makes it build (the line after 
the return).

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