Review Request 110898: Remove unused strigi dependency from tree, along with unused strigi FontAnalyzer.

Vishesh Handa me at
Sun Jun 9 21:07:13 BST 2013

> On June 9, 2013, 10:27 a.m., Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > Being past the Feature Freeze doesn't seem a good idea to me to remove a feature.
> Simeon Bird wrote:
>     It isn't really removing a feature - the code in question does nothing at all that I can see, and hasn't done for a while. In fact, I'm not sure the FontAnalyzer really did anything even when strigi was in use, because /usr/share/fonts was not indexed by default. Its just removing dead code. 
>     It *is* a dependency change though, and I'm not sure what the rules are for that. I guess it could be made optional, but since it doesn't do anything that doesn't seem really worth the effort.

The FontAnalyzer has never been used by Nepomuk. That does not mean that one one has ever used it.

Maybe someone installs KDE and uses Strigi directly and therefore uses the Font Analyzer? Or maybe someone uses KFileMetaInfo, which uses Strigi internally. It doesn't seem like anyone is - - but this is just the code in the KDE repositories.

Do we want to risk breaking existing code even if it isn't ours? Considering that Strigi is still going to be a compile time dependency for kdelibs, I don't really see the big deal in having it for kde-workspace.

- Vishesh

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On June 9, 2013, 1:53 a.m., Simeon Bird wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated June 9, 2013, 1:53 a.m.)
> Review request for kde-workspace and Nepomuk.
> Description
> -------
> So far as I can see, the only thing depending on strigi still in kde-workspace is a strigi plugin called FontAnalyzer,
> and, I think, this doesn't do much now nepomuk doesn't use strigi. (I'm curious as to why it was in kde-workspace 
> in the first place, instead of in strigi, actually)
> This patch removes the strigi dependency and FontAnalyzer from kde-workspace.
> Diffs
> -----
>   kcontrol/kfontinst/CMakeLists.txt 1ba461cf9c09a0dba3af13b67f585db08c7da77a 
>   CMakeLists.txt d233cf4a745ea1c6caf0b560539a68f71ab41020 
>   kcontrol/kfontinst/strigi-analyzer/CMakeLists.txt ab5643ec4f1ce47f17b598e016300d51e181c946 
>   kcontrol/kfontinst/strigi-analyzer/FontEngine.h 028e971f34a52b4bda4df8130cbe2af688c45e8b 
>   kcontrol/kfontinst/strigi-analyzer/FontEngine.cpp 8e00bd550c9e2a3e1b25ef6cf6a3d510576e67d8 
>   kcontrol/kfontinst/strigi-analyzer/FontThroughAnalyzer.h 0e0a7a8eac99c85ed21d9ab3305a2a75b18e9ec9 
>   kcontrol/kfontinst/strigi-analyzer/FontThroughAnalyzer.cpp ffa22a9ad09617b6ab87652ee0a9f246e0502227 
>   plasma/desktop/applets/kickoff/CMakeLists.txt e9e288866ecdcfd7aa35c086dfe78d4252748995 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Compiled, ran
> Thanks,
> Simeon Bird

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