Old compatibility feature in KTabBar causing problems.

Kevin Krammer krammer at kde.org
Wed Jul 31 11:03:12 BST 2013

On Tuesday, 2013-07-30, Hyperz wrote:

> The issue is that if the mouse moves even 1 pixel while the middle mouse
> button is being pressed/clicked to close a tab KTabBar doesn't
> emit mouseMiddleClick() and the tab doesn't get closed.

Hmm, shouldn't there be something like a minimum drag distance, i.e. a 
threshold in pixel movement below which it is not yet considered a drag start?

> Do we still need such an old compatibility feature? Especially since
> virtually everything lets you move tabs with the left mouse button these
> days and middle-mouse-to-close is becoming the default.

My guess would be that it is up to the application. If the applications does 
not want MMB drag, e.g. because it wants to use MMB for something else, then 
it should be able to deactivate that.

Applications that do not use MMB for anything could keep it available in case 
their users do use it.

Like having or not having pre-tab close buttons.

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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