New lockscreen

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Fri Jan 11 07:03:14 GMT 2013

On Thursday 10 January 2013 19:37:57 Martin Sandsmark wrote:
> Hi!
> The new lock screen has some more or less serious regressions, and doesn't
> seem to be maintained by anyone in particular (one of the regression bugs
> filed against it is from november, and I don't really see anyone in
> particular commenting or fixing anything, it only got a handful of commits
> in december).
FYI: I started investigating one bug and are working on it. It's not a trivial 
one, so after not fixing it instantly I moved it back, but I will work on it. 
For me KWin has higher priority.

If you ask for maintainers: I consider Marco and me as the maintainers of the 
new screen locker, the old screen saver HACK (which you seem to be using) is 
something I consider as deprecated as legacy and it would be really awesome if 
someone who wants to use them would step up to maintain them. I voted for 
dropping them (see my blog for reasons).

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