Login for bug reporting

Jekyll Wu adaptee at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 08:26:23 GMT 2013

On 2013年02月07日 17:21, Kevin Krammer wrote:
> It was definitely the process of creating an account, the developer was
> explicitly stating that providing an email address isn't the problem.
> Does the crash report dialog offer the option of creating an account? Does it
> store the password so that it can be automatically retrieved for further
> reports or when interacting with the web interface in a browser?

It doesn't at the moment. It only offers a link to open 
https://bugs.kde.org/createaccount.cgi in web browser, which asks users 
to offer one email address and sends the confirmation mail to that email 

Bugzilla does provide the web service API for creating new account, but 
in effect it does not make difference. It asks for one email address and 
sends the confirmation mail , too. It is doable, but I don't see
real advantage.

> My understanding of how bugzilla works is that it sends emails to people
> registered for a certain bug, so an email address would be sufficient, no?

I think bugzilla only cares about email addresses it has already 
verified (meaning registered accounts). It doesn't care about random 
email addresses.

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