Login for bug reporting

Kevin Krammer krammer at kde.org
Thu Feb 7 09:21:53 GMT 2013

On Wednesday, 2013-02-06, Anders Lund wrote:
> Onsdag den 6. februar 2013 21:52:53 skrev Alex Fiestas:
> > On Wednesday 06 February 2013 20:36:33 Christoph Cullmann wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > actually, if he has taken the obstacles of installing tens of megabytes
> > > of stuff, what was the problem with creating an account?
> > 
> > Haven't it ever happened to you that you are buying something on the
> > interwebs or checking some stuff and when you are asked to login/register
> > you stop?
> > 
> > It has happened to me hundreds of times, maybe because I'm lazy.
> > 
> > I sympathize with this user.
> So do I.
> Wouldn't it be possible to send a confirmation link for a bug reported by
> someone not logged in?

It was definitely the process of creating an account, the developer was 
explicitly stating that providing an email address isn't the problem.

Does the crash report dialog offer the option of creating an account? Does it 
store the password so that it can be automatically retrieved for further 
reports or when interacting with the web interface in a browser?

My understanding of how bugzilla works is that it sends emails to people 
registered for a certain bug, so an email address would be sufficient, no?

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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