Login for bug reporting

Kevin Krammer krammer at kde.org
Wed Feb 6 17:56:23 GMT 2013

Hi folks,

at FOSDEM I was approached by a person who asked me to relay his 
dissatisfaction with the requirement of having a KDE Bugzilla account to 
report crashes via the KDE crash handler dialog.

The issue in his case was kind of made worse by having this obstacle appear 
too late, i.e. after he had followed the instructions to create a useful 
backtrace and had downloaded several tens of megabytes of debug symbols.

Being a FOSS developer himself he said that he understands the need for having 
a communication channel with the reported, but just having an email address 
for that would be sufficient (e.g. Debian's bug tracker works that way).

So the question is whether alternative login options [1] are something we 
could do or whether this is impossible in our setup or just something we don't 
want to do because of certain drawbacks.


[1] assuming that a KDE bugzilla login is nowadays a KDE Identity login, could 
we have something like on the Wikis, e.g. OpenID, or something comment 
sections of websites used, e.g. "login via Facebook"?

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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