Review request: kde-runtime/kwalletd branch kwalletd-gpg

Valentin Rusu kde at
Sat Aug 17 13:22:35 BST 2013


kwalletd now supports GPG encryption. The code is fully functional, at
least on my system, and I pushed it to the kwalletd-gpg branch of
See my blog post for more information:

I'd like now to ask you to review the code before merging it to the
master. And speaking about the master, I'd also like to know what would
be the good timing to do it, as 4.11 is a long-term support version. But
let's do things one after another and let's start with the feedback I'll
welcome from all of you. I'm also wondering if I should I use
reviewboard for this feature, knowing that's best to actually clone and
run the code in order to test it, and reviewboard only let us read the code?


Valentin Rusu (IRC valir, KDE vrusu)
KSecretsService (former KSecretService, KWallet replacement)

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