Review request: moving libkgoogle to extragear

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at
Sat May 26 15:42:41 BST 2012

Dan Vratil <dan at> writes:

> Hi,
> LibKGoogle is a new optional dependency of kdepim-runtime. It's used by the
> new Akonadi Google resources.
> It's now in kdereview [0] and I'd like to move it to extragear, so I'm asking
> for a review on the library.

One thing I have noticed is that libkgoogle seems to be GPLv3+, while
KDE's licensing policy [1] says code under the GPL should be GPLv2+.

The ${qjson_LIBRARIES} hack should not be needed anymore anyway, as the
naming scheme was restored months ago in git master (no version was
released with the names messed up).


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